Time isn’t real

Straight Mayo Homie
1 min readJun 26, 2021


It’s been a while my kings and queens. What fucking year is it even? I mean life was absolutely rocketing by prior to 2020 and then a whole pandemic absolutely ruined any semblance of a timeline or plan I had. What a fucking year. And to be honest I had it so much better than a lot of other people. It’s been so hard in so many different ways. I’ve made amazing progress and regressed so deeply in other aspects of my life. I miss you all and I love you all. Be safe and be smart.

America is in that Enron state. Everything was amazing and then shit started turning and you could see the writing on the wall. Hell the whole planet is on the downswing. I just hope I’m able to check out before it gets significantly worse. Or at least have someone to ride it out with



Straight Mayo Homie

“You’re not classically handsome but at least you don’t sweat when you eat” — Mom