Straight Mayo Homie
2 min readNov 16, 2018

Here to spew more profound philosophy about my dumbness.

I’ve arrived at the proverbial cross roads….honestly I thought mid-life crises were for 40 something year old married guys who were bored in their marriage. An excuse to act like an asshole just to stir up some semblance, some iota of emotion that your relationship once had.

But I digress

I’m wandering aimlessly through life but I realize it. I’m fighting to grasp as anything even remotely resembling normalcy. Akin to climbing a rope lubed with oil. Should I have it all figured out by now? Probably not. Some people might think they do and act accordingly but we all know the truth. Nobody has EVERYthing figured out……right? :-/. Either way I should nave SOME of this shit figured out. Maybe I do and I just don’t realize it but I have very few of those moments where I feel as if I have a grasp on, well, really anything.

What do you do? Move again? Move back home? Apply to more jobs and get rejection letters? Fail another certification exam? I could keep going but I think we all (see: just fucking me here turns out) get it. Maybe this is my “moment” where everything changes and I find my true calling. If this were a movie it would be. But this ain’t a movie lol or if it is it’s the longest snuff film in the history of cinema. Because this very well could be the moment I slip and fall down the mountain. I don’t know.

I just don’t know.

But then again nobody knows shit so I why am I even asking you?

Straight Mayo Homie

“You’re not classically handsome but at least you don’t sweat when you eat” — Mom